Welcome to TEAM 4 YOU

For 17 years we have been your partner in the world of pharmacy

Outsourcing to suit your needs

Hire an entire sales team or just a sales representative for a specific region.

Why are we our partners'first choice?

Our team is constantly focused on growing sales to achieve the best possible results for you.

business visits
*year 2023
*year 2023
units sold
*year 2023

Job of a business representative

Sale of the Product or Brand in a Pharmacy

  • with increased orientation on selected products according to strategic objectives and priorities of the partner
  • sale with the distributive objective
  • sale of natural sets with the objective of storage

Launching a New Product

  • personal presentation of the product in pharmacies
  • distribution to the aimed number of pharmacies, storage
  • introduction to the stable sales portfolio of a pharmacy
  • repeated offer in a weekly interval for selected pharmacies

Marketing Activities in a Pharmacy

  • product or brand merchandising
  • presentation of the plan media, commercial spots, videos, etc.
  • ocation of posters, leaflets, wobblers, rack laths, product models in a pharmacy
  • e-mailing
  • researches, analyses, and outputs

Providing partners with optimal solutions to their business and medical team outsourcing needs

I want more details

Highly motivated teams working for your profit

All of our sales teams are strongly motivated to maximally achieve their goals, undergo a demanding system of training and coaching, and use the latest information technology for their activities, which allows for greater efficiency of the entire team and accurate outputs of their activities.

I want a successful business team

Trust us. We are a perfectly functioning team. TEAM 4 YOU.

12 sales representatives in the Czech Republic and Slovakia can bring profit to you too.

I want a successful business team

Our partners

We work with companies that are leaders in their field.